Your Nutrition Guide by tā energy
Dear half-marathoner,
Because you shouldn't leave anything to chance in your preparation for the Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris, we're pleased to provide you with the nutrition guide, designed in partnership with tā energy, Official Supplier to the event. The aim of this guide is to accompany you right up to D-day and after the event, to help you recover properly.
3 protein-rich veggie wraps by Hari&Co
HARi&CO, Official Supplier of the Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris, is a company that strives to democratize plant-based cooking with products featuring gourmet, balanced and colorful recipes. Their mission is to bring about a revolution in our diet: healthier, more sustainable and therefore more plant-based. HARi&CO offers tasty 100% plant-based, additive-free products based on legumes: meatballs, patties, nuggets, aperitif products (egg rolls, samossas, empanadas) and even ready-to-eat dishes! Find them in your store's fresh produce section.